With Train Mallorca you will access all information about trains from a single app . An app with a very careful design and all the constantly updated information.Information about TIB / SFM always updated.
-It's easy to use?Yes, it is very easy to use . Just type the name of the station where you want to catch the train and the app gives you all the information you need: schedules , type of train , if allowed bikes, establishments for a drink while waiting, etc. For example searching : Train Palma de Mallorca, all the information related to the Intermodal station of Palma appears .
-Stations Available :Intermodal Palma, Jacint Verdaguer, Son Costa/Son Fortesa, Son Fuster, Son Cladera/Es Vivero, Verge de Lluc, Pont d'Inca, Pont d'Inca Nou, Polígono de Marratxí, Marratxí, Es Caülls, Santa María, Alaró/Consell, Binissalem, Lloseta, Enlace, Llubí, Muro, Sa Pobla, Sineu, Petra and Manacor.